Pimps and Hoes
GILLIAN’S 18th BIRTHDAY !!!!!!! WOOP WOOP. A relaxing day at home for some for others who couldn’t tear themselves away from the slope not naming any names CHRIS, skiing was the prime objective. A huge breakfast was made for Gillian which was GOOHOOD!!! The evening saw the two houses come together to celebrate and we all had a big meal. Ummm shrimp cannelloni. There was also a dressing up theme Pimps and Hoes. Some of the costumes were well ill let the pictures do the talking and some of the costumes were hardly there. With lots of alcohol and lots of partying for some it moved onto Tommy Africas. However for the boarders it was an early night. SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY, GOOD NIGHT, GOOD TIMES. Oh and a big up to Alice for all her efforts in making the day such a good one.
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