New Zealand Ski & Snowboard Instructor Course – Week 2
Week 2 of the course has been all about ‘wedge turns’ and ‘J turns’ in preparation for the crews NZSIA/SBINZ Level 1 Ski & Snowboard Instructor exams next week. The guys have been busy honing their skills under the demanding, expert eyes of their trainers.
They say the “camera never lies” and in the case of video analysis the same is definitely true! It’s fair to say that video analysis highlights the good aspects of the trainees skiing or snowboarding, and perhaps more importantly, the bad and ugly bits of their skiing/riding! Being able to analyse your own and other peoples’ techniques is one part of the level 1 exam, the crew now spend their time on the lifts dissecting the techniques of the skiers/riders on the snow below them.
Everybody has now taught their first lessons to the group. Mike had his group concentrating on his wedge demonstration with trainer Brendan judging his performance.
A good morning stretch is important and the crew have got “the flamingo stance” stretch down to a fine art whilst admiring the view…….or were they breakdancing?
On the New Zealand Peak Leaders course it’s not all work, there’s still plenty of time to play. The Peak Leader “pirates” enjoyed the Buffalo Bar pirate fancy dress night…. With rum being the obvious top drink of the night.
Queenstown is the number one place in the world for adventure sport. This week Sam did his Superman impression off the 43 metre high Kawarau Bridge, the oldest commercial Bungy Jump in the world, and Mike, Annie & Francesca were happy to have their feet back on earth after they skydived over Queenstown!
Ski fields come up with some great ideas to keep the holiday makers entertained; on a day off Big T, Poppy and Jo took full advantage of the “ice bar” and the view from the top of The Remarkables ski field.
Good luck everyone on the Level 1 next week.
Big “T’s” Interesting fact for the week:
The Kea is a Forest & Alpine Parrot found only in the South Island of New Zealand. They can often be found at Ski Fields walking or flying off with your lunch when your back is turned! They also have a fetish for rubber, so the staff at Coronet Peak and The Remarkable ski resorts often have to replace electrical cables etc. Up to now the Peak Leaders Crew have only seen the human sized & Burton Stash versions.
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