Working as a guide at Whistler Bike Park – Blog 3
It’s finally feeling like summer in Whistler after a week of +30 degree days in the sunshine. Whilst this was an awesome change from the rain of last week and has meant there has been lots of work for everyone, it has also made for some very tired bike guides with the heat sapping everyone’s strength.
We had the busiest day of the year this week, with American Independence day on the 4th of July and plenty of Americans showing-up. Our American friends were either spending a few days up in Canada on holiday or just travelling from Seattle and Washington (state) for a day trip.
I’ve really felt myself starting to get the hang of running lessons now. I’d definitely say I have my own style of teaching; with my own little pieces of advice and the way I phrase the things we’re required to teach…..which makes the lesson more enjoyable for me and my students!
Another ‘Phat Wednesday’ race rolled around, this time from ‘Fantastic’ to ‘Upper Whistler Downhill’ to ‘Lower Whistler Downhill’. It’s a really fun track that I hadn’t really ridden until the race day, which meant lots of us who were racing decided to session the course all day in preparation. After a super fun race, made even better by a few of the Peak Leaders crew tactically positioned to heckle halfway down, we all headed down to the GLC for beers.
On Friday evening a few of us headed up to the Garbo again for a bit more of a photo-shoot and filming session as the light was amazing. I’ll post up an edit for the end of the summer season.. it’s going to be a banger!
Following all the hot and humid weather, thunderstorms rolled in to town on Sunday and meant the lifts had to close for safety. This was great for the park that was almost getting too dusty, but wasn’t the best conditions for the sightseers on the ‘Peak to Peak’ Gondola, as they ended-up having to drive the stranded tourists in 4x4s from the top of the mountain.
Luckily I also had a chance meeting with the designer of the new Kona Carbon Operator, as I had taken his wife up on a lesson in the morning before the bike park had closed due to the storm. When they met up at the end I got introduced to him and saw he was riding it. His bike looked so sweet, and we also talked about a pro deal for the Whistler guides next year, which would be amazing.
In other news; I also learnt the hard lesson of making sure we didn’t fry things in the staff accommodation lounge. Unfortunately a few of my fellow guides and I were cooking-up some burgers in the staff lounge when we had the misfortune of setting-off the main fire alarm, which is linked directly to the local fire department, five minutes later we had the local fire department on our doorstep.
After another hectic week, with work stepping up, I am really starting to appreciate the rest days we get! But bring on more lessons next week…
John Inman – Peak leaders Whistler Mtb Course, May 2013
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