8 weeks has passed in a flash! For our group in Argentina the BASI ski instructor exams are over, skis swapped for horses and snowploughing for snowparks. Course leader Steve brings the final installment of life in Bariloche …
More powder days
We’ve just completed BASI Alpine Level 2 ski instructor exams, and had brilliant results from the group here in Argentina!
Empty slopes and fresh powder to ski … life is good
This week has seen a few ridiculous powder days which brought great snow for the last week of the exam.
Everyone has really stuck in and pushed themselves right to the end.
Keeping spirits high
Throughout the week the group have been motivating each other with inspirational quotes, passionate briefs re-capping our incredible time in Argentina and reminiscing about the great times we’ve had with new friends.
Team spirit stayed high in the hotel
Setting goals and reaching them
We started this course 8 weeks ago with 19 trainees with ranging goals and ambitions; from ‘experience the local culture and improve our skiing’ to ‘Pass BASI Alpine Level 2 and find a job for next season’.
Whatever the weather, always smiling …
Everyone has achieved so much since arriving here in July.
The change in maturity and professionalism across this short period is visible for all to see.
Bye Tom!
Halfway through the course we said goodbye to the much loved Tom Bliss (completing the 4 week course) who definitely improved his skiing, embraced the local culture and gave us plenty of laughs along the way!
Tom has continued to travel South America after leaving Bariloche and we wish him the best of luck with future adventures.
New BASI ski instructors
The remaining 18 trainees then knuckled down with the newly arrived BASI trainers Mike Crawford and Lesley Page to sit the BASI level 1 course in week 5.
This was a huge success with a 100% pass rate!
Sunshine just makes the smiles bigger!
For the past two weeks (weeks 7 and 8) we have been sitting the BASI level 2 course, and the group has just achieved more incredible results!
BASI level 2 is assessed in two sections – technical and teaching.
BASI training on top of the world at Cerro Catedral
Of the 18 trainees completing the course, 14 of them passed both sections and successfully achieved BASI level 2.
BASI trainer Mike making the most of the sunny skies
The other 4 passed the teaching section and will need to resit for the technical section at a later date.
Who needs BASI turns on a powder day anyhow?!
So that’s a 100% pass rate for the teaching section and 78% for both sections together!
Exams over … ski teaching opportunities for next winter just beginning
Time out to party!
Friday night was a time to relax, let loose and have plenty of apres!
Over the weekend we have said goodbye to Sas (infamous for her corridor party at El Retorno!), Amy (a contender for best goggle tan 2015), Ben Joseph (one of the founding fathers of Warm Face), George (aka The Future), Rom (another contender for best goggle tan 2015!), Hugo (‘Do you even want to be here?’), Ellie (a football’s best friend) and Jasper (winner of worst haircut 2015 – congratulations!)
Keeping those toes toasty!
Horse riding “gaucho” style
The remaining 10 newly qualified instructors have been relaxing South American style.
On the road to the “Gaucho” ranch
We spent Sunday at a ranch in Cuyin Manzano where were treated to a beautiful horse riding trip down a remote valley followed by a steak filled asado (BBQ) prepared by local gauchos.
It was such a cool Patagonian experience!
Now that’s how you do BBQ
Real wild west moments for the group to experience here in South America
Freestyling it to the end
Now that we are in week 9, the last week of the trip, we will be having some freestyle clinics in the snowpark at Cerro Catedral.
The park is in amazing condition and has a good range of features for all abilities.
We will also use this time to explore the local area even more and relax before heading to Buenos Aires on Thursday.
Just a few more days of exploration around one of the coolest party cities in one of the coolest countries in the world!
Wish us luck as ever!