Week 8 in Saas Fee and the crew has really been turning on the style. Ski and snowboard techniques have been honed to perfection, so now it’s time to relax and enjoy some “Carnival” action before the start of BASI Level 2. Here’s course leader Steve with the update…
Last weekend before BASI Level 2
Our final week with our ski coaches Emma and Jake from Element, and snowboard coach Gibbo from ES Ride was a chance for the trainees to really push themselves and get some final preparations in place for the BASI Level 2 exams starting next week!
Gibbo’s crew perfect some interesting balancing drills…
Everyone has been working on various tasks and demonstrating a huge difference between the understanding and ability level just a few weeks ago compared with the current levels.
Jake and his trainees prepare with some final coaching before BASI Level 2
Synchro?!? Surely that’s for the skiers???
Quick on the draw
In the evenings we were again treated to Disa’s ever popular Monday night quiz (which is mightily competitive going in to the final round next weekend!), more fantastic fitness sessions with Jake on Tuesday and Thursday and a special treat for a few of the guys on Wednesday.
Disa aka “Quiz Mistress Pink Apple” fires off the questions on a Monday night
A TV crew from the UK were in town on Wednesday to film some scenes for Kirstie Allsopp’s (of Location, Location, Location fame) Christmas Show which should be aired on Channel 4 at the beginning of December!
Getting into the TV business on Location, Location, Location!
Holà Argentina
It just so happened that this coincided with a fleeting visit from the much loved Ivan Bonacalza (Peak Leaders course coordinator for our Argentina courses) and wife Adele.
Watch the cheese!!!
Trainees Gabi, Guy and Lynnley were joined by Ivan, Adele and myself to help out on set eating fondue and drinking wine!
The highlight had to be when Gabi was asked to simply say the line “Humm, this is really nice” before accidentally dripping cheese into her wine!
Let’s hope that makes the cut…..
One more day on the hill
The boarders came up with a sneaky ploy to have ‘leaving drinks’ with Gibbo on Thursday night in a plot to get the day off on Friday but takes more than a big night to keep Gibbo off the mountain!
Gibbo never misses a day on the hill… even if he sometimes needs a sit down
Friday was everyone’s last day with the coaches so it was a light-hearted training day where the groups had a ‘syncro competition’.
The skiers show the snowboarders how synchro is really done…
The two ski groups glided down with impressive grace and coordination, but the boarders not so much.
Who ever decided “pants down” was going to steal them the win was optimistic at best!
Snowboarding and pants down… not a winning combo
Relaxing on the thermals
The weekend has been super relaxing.
Sixteen of the team went for a trip to Brigerbad Thermal Spa on Saturday – the largest thermal baths in the alps!
Taking some time out at the Brigerbad Thermal Spa
Sunday was another down day where some people caught up on sleep, others did some last minute preparations and a few of us ventured down to a nice waterfall in Saas Balen.
An essential chill-out in preparation for next week’s exams.
A far colder way to get wet on the weekend – Saas Balen waterfall
“Leave it all on the mountain.”
This week we say goodbye to Brett who has returned to the UK and is preparing his next adventure. We’ll miss his optimistic outlook and great sense of humor in the gondolas for the remaining two weeks but wish him the best of luck with his future endeavors. Remember: “Leave it all on the mountain.”
On the flip side we say hello to Tom Ball, Chris Kyte and Alex Parkinson who will be joining us for the BASI Level 2 exams starting next week.
“Carnival” started in Saas Fee this week too… with some great outfits on show
There’s the imminent arrival of our lovely BASI Level 2 trainers David Walton and Jon Gass, and the return of Rob Norton for “round two” after the BASI Level 1.
It’s a dog’s life… bye to Indy (Emma’s pooch)… she’ll be missed by all!
That’s it, that’s nearly all…
So, two weeks now until the end… best of luck to all the crew for the BASI Level 2!