Week 2 in Austria and our group ramp up the learning in preparation for the Anwärter ski instructor exam. Here’s Tom group leader on the St Anton ski instructor course 2015 with all the news…

Anwärter ski instructor exam getting closer

Week 2 was the trainees last chance to absorb as much information as they could before the Anwärter ski instructor exam begins and they start putting everything they have learnt together.

The start of the week was focusing on more German lessons – learning the questions they need to ask and answer when talking to potential clients; but also learning the technical understanding of the body and ski.

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Sounds like… German?!?

Putting their understanding to the test, the group spent the next ski day leading a ski warm up to get everyone ready for the challenges of the mountain – pretty impressive considering that a week ago some of the crew could only say the odd German word!

Snowplough’s make the (skiing) world go round

One of the fundamental and most recognizable skiing skills has to be “the snowplow”.

Week 2 meant the group must in turn be able to demonstrate a solid snowplough at an instructor level.

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The hardest part of ski instruction: the Snowplough!!!

Which might sound easy (!!??) however all the group had work to do to get the perfect plough before the Anwärter test.

Oli put it the best saying: “I thought the snowplow was the just stopping, I didn’t know that it is the platform that makes the rest of the skiing progression!”

Going “Wilde” in St Anton

This week was St Anton’s turn to put out an opening party.

Headline act Kim Wilde with her hit “Kids of America” brought a great vibe to the mountain opening… the trainees loved every minute!

Krampus is coming for you!

This time of the year is when Krampus Holidays start – for those that don’t know Krampus comes for those how have misbehaved over the year (rather then giving gifts to those who are behaved over the year).

Krampus is very popular here in Austria and our trainees were certainly surprised when they were suddenly being chased by scary looking devils with sticks whipping them… a lot harder running away in ski boots!!!

170 strong

The groups final chat before going into the Anwärter exam was to swap ideas on the progression of teaching a beginner to ski and turn.

It was great to see them all swap ideas and solve problems together – they are looking out for each other and definitely making the most out of this amazing journey towards becoming a ski instructor.

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 Anwärter course has 170 people on it this year…

Good luck to all the crew in Week 3… hopefully we’ll have another batch of new ski instructors to let loose before Xmas!!!

Want to get your ski or snowboard ticket?

Morzine (10 week course) 9 Jan-19 Mar @ £8,399

Banff (11 week course) 9 Jan-26 Mar @ £7,799

Bariloche (8/9 week course) 30 Jul-24/29 Sep 2016 @£7,7(9)99

Contact us here or call +44 (0) 1337 860 079

Book today!