VERBIER 2017/18 – WEEK 2
Week 2
Amazingly we have had even more snow in Verbier this week! Everyone in resort is loving it right now as this season looks like it is going to be an epic one. All of the Peak Leaders have been enjoying the fantastic conditions and near perfect start to the season. They even got together to make this boomerang video to celebrate all the snow in style!
Emma and Will were the coaches this week and the groups were getting to grips with learning how to teach lessons. As well as this the trainees were trying to improve their technical skills on and off piste. And because of the awesome conditions there was a lot of off piste to ski! In fact the soft snow soon turned into powder bumps as so many people visit Verbier to go skiing. So the Peak Leaders were training in powder in the morning and then bumps in the afternoon. Here is Will showing them how it’s done.
A Peak Leaders course is mainly about skiing but there are loads of things going on as well. Dryland training for each group once a week (though you can go twice if you can hack it!), pub quizzes on Wednesdays and trying out the different bars that Verbier has to offer. Pub Mont Fort even hosted the Peak Leaders for a drink to get to know everyone. Weirdly the staff already seemed to know all the trainees!
Verbier is an amazing place to ski and train and with conditions as perfect as they have been recently it’s no wonder that so many people want to come out here on holiday.
The snow just keeps on coming! The Peak Leaders have been able to explore loads of the resort and do some awesome early season skiing. The terrain here is fantastic and this combined with amazing snow has meant a lot of awesome skiing!
Now the Peak Leaders have their first real challenge. Next week is the BASI level 1 and they have spent the previous weeks honing their teaching and technical skills in preparation. Though they might not admit it their seems to be a little more tension about the place. Fortunately Tom Krause has come up with a great way of relaxing…
Good luck to everyone doing the exam next week! Becoming official ski instructors isn’t far away now …