VERBIER 2018-19 – WEEK 4
Merry Christmas everyone! To celebrate the festive season the Peak Leaders took a break from training for a couple of days to enjoy the holidays. Verbier is always amazing around this time of year, especially when the resort is covered in snow, has a massive tree in Place Central and ther are loads of decorations everywhere! Even Peak Leaders coaches Will and Jake got in on the act and got their Santa hats out!
And what does everyone want in Verbier for Christmas? That seems like a obvious question…more snow of course! Amazingly the snow kept of falling and Verbier was covered in a thick blanket of snow. Just in time for Xmas skiing and celebrations!
New snow is always great but it’s also important to have some clear weather as well so that the Peak Leaders can get out on the Mountain and practice. In fact conditions have been excellent recently, lots of clear sunny days so the training days are really productive.
Verbier has loads of excellent terrain and there are multiple ski areas to explore. Savoleyres is a favourite with the coaches as it’s usually quieter but still has perfectly groomed runs that are excellent for long and short turns. Will and his group made the most of a perfect day at the top of the Mountain!
Lots of snow meant lots of powder and Peak Leaders coach Jake managed to get in a few off piste turns at the end of the day. It’s important the Peak Leaders know exactly what they’re doing if they go off piste and so they get expert tuition on this later in the course.
And so the Peak Leaders have completed another week of their training. The last one of 2018! So next week they’re looking forward to celebrating New Year’s Verbier style and focusing on what they can do in 2019. It’s a big few weeks as they’ll be shadowing actual ski lessons, learning about off piste techniques and doubling down on their training to prepare for the BASI level 2 exam at the end of January.