SAAS FEE 2019 – WEEK 1
Saas Fee Peak Leaders 2019 is go!
A whole new bunch of Peak Leaders trainees have arrived in the world famous Swiss resort of Saas Fee to spend the next 9 weeks training to become BASI ski instructors.
Early season conditions have been fantastic, everyone has settled in to their new surroundings super fast and the Peak Leaders are raring to go!
The trainees spend their first few days getting to know each other, the coaches and their new home for the course. Some people are here on their gap year, some have just finished University and some want to change existing careers.
Whatever the reason, everyone’s goal is the same: to train hard, have loads of fun and become BASI qualified ski instructors!
Each day on this course is packed full of activity, whether it’s training up on the first-class glacier perfecting short and long turns, learning how to deliver high quality teaching sessions, going over video or going on afternoon fitness sessions. There’s loads to do!
Saas Fee is an ideal location for pre-season ski instructor training as it is snow-sure, has amazing facilities and the town is teaming with bars and restaurants.
It’s also massively inspirational as we’re surrounded by some of the finest ski racers and freestyle skiers in the world.
So the first week of training has flown by and the new Peak Leaders have got to grips with Saas Fee, learning all about the glacier, the terrain, the local bars and clubs and most importantly which supermarket sells the best chocolate milk (it’s the Co-op by the way).