LIVING THE DREAM: An interview with course graduate John Inman

  We love it when we get a trainee that is enthusiastic, passionate about shredding, and keen as mustard. John ticks all of those boxes; he loves everything to do with mountain biking, from the people, to the trails, and the gear……..especially when it’s free! We were really fortunate to have John on our 3-week Whistler Bike Park Academy this Spring as his attitude and […]

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Working as a guide at Whistler Bike Park – Blog 5

  This week I got back to ‘work’ after a few days off. After a bit of a break from work I felt refreshed and ready to get down to some teaching! Summer is in full swing now and we’ve had a solid week of clear blue skies combined with a nice breeze, which is perfect weather for riding! It was also my graduation from […]

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Whistler Mountain Bike Coaches Hiring Camp – Keeping busy!

Lately there has been a bit of a break in the training routine for the guys and girls on the camp. Friday was an introduction into A-Line 2 and getting started on jumps, drops and cornering, then the trainees had two days of intensive on-hill First Aid training over the weekend which was followed by a couple of days off. Rather than having a couple […]

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Whistler Mountain Bike Coaches Hiring Camp – Week 2

This week has been all about learning to coach, specifically the IDP Tech 2.  Our trainees started with an in-depth look at coaching progressions and where to take riders once they have progressed beyond the beginner level!  The focus of the IDP 2 has been on increasing their knowledge of the Bike Park and which trails to choose for which level of rider. Everybody had a great […]

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Whistler Mountain Bike Coaches Camp – Final Week!

What an amazing course it’s been; our riding has been pushed and progressed beyond what any of the guys had even dreamt and now they can pass their new skills and knowledge on to others. Congratulations to everyone for passing all of the different components of the IDP level 1 and 2 and for generally being an awesome crew of people to hang-out with for […]

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